Hydratec Inc.

AutoCAD Based (Installation)

Total: 6


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Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Ribbon/Toolbar (Software) Button Function Error Type Description
Card 1360 View Installation (AutoCAD Based) None None None

During the install of HydraCAD, you get an error, "Setup Needs the Next Disk, Please insert disk 1 that contains the file data2cab"

Card 1274 View Installation (AutoCAD Based) Hydra_DAO_Install.EXE None Error 1935

When trying to install the Hydra_DAO_Install.exe based on this HydraCARD;


You get this error;

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Setup
Error 1935 An error occurred during the installation of assembly VC90.MFCLOC



Followed by this one;

An error occurred during setup

Installation failed.

Card 919 View Installation (AutoCAD Based) None None None

Install or Update appears to hang.

Card 907 View Installation (AutoCAD Based) None None Registry Problem

During the install of HydraCAD V56/57/58, the user is greeted with the message below.  Following the both sets of instructions of opening and closing AutoCAD, and running a repair of AutoCAD do not make a difference.  You'll still get the error message.

V56 = R23.X
V57 = R24.X
V58 = R25.X

V57 install will say;

Neither AutoCAD 2021, 2022, 2023 nor 2024 found (missing registry key:


Please install it before re-running this install



Card 894 View Installation (AutoCAD Based) None None Other

During the install of HydraCAD the following message(s) pop up;


"Unable to Create HydraCAD Shortcut" "Unable to find registry,"


The version of AutoCAD will determine the number following the word 'Drawing' in the registry path.

AutoCAD 2022 = 24.1

AutoCAD 2021 = 24.0

AutoCAD 2020 = 23.1

AutoCAD 2019 = 23.0

AutoCAD 2018 = 22.0

"Unable to find default profile" "The default profile 'HydraCADVersion56' 'HydraCADVersion57' does not exist.

Card 825 View Installation (AutoCAD Based) None None The Installed Version Could Not Be Determined

The Installed version of the application could not be determined. The Setup will now Terminate


An error (-5006 : #####) has occured while running the setup
